advanced courses
here in nowra
elevate your consciousness state. deepen your practice. immerse in supreme wisdom. learn new techniques. reawaken universal knowledge within. ask the big questions. nurture your baseline of bliss. dissolve decades of social conditioning. fine-tune your thinking. accelerate expansion. align with nature. shape your world. learn to relax and enjoy.
what is exploring the veda?
Ready to take your practice to the next level, to elevate your consciousness, and to shake up your reality? Then Exploring the Veda is for you.
In this six-part series, we embark on an enlightening journey into the mysteries of the cosmos and dive deep into understanding how to leverage our meditation practice to live in the most relevant, nourishing, and evolutionary way possible.
With nearly 73 hours of pre-recorded lectures broken down into six installments, each course works towards uncovering the secrets of the universe and re-awakening the ancient wisdom of Veda—the very blueprint of creation—into practical and relatable nuggets of wisdom that can be applied to everyday, modern life.
We reserve plenty of time to answer all of the questions that bubble up as a result of enlivening this profound wisdom within ourselves, and we make sure to nourish our bodies with freshly-prepared meals and snacks throughout the course.
It’s a truly beautiful experience, and past explorers have described coming away from these courses with invaluable wisdom, cherished memories, measurable benefits, and lifelong connections.
Dive into mind-bending concepts like:
how consciousness expresses itself
the fundamental laws of nature
the mechanics of manifestation
how the universe is structured and operates
the time-space continuum
the true meaning of love
how to relax and enjoy life
Learn new techniques for:
enhancing cosmic awareness
finding a balanced perspective in every situation
cultivating accurate expectations
elevating and re-inspiring past experiences
enhancing unity with everyone and everything in your life
developing celestial perception
profoundly accelerating expansion of consciousness
During each three-day immersion, we will listen to recordings made by the inspiring and blissful Thom Knoles, who is recognized as one of the world's foremost masters of Veda and its true meaning and application in today's modern world.
In between recordings, the group will enjoy in-depth discussion and live Q&A with senior teacher, Rachel Gross, who is well known for embodying Vedic wisdom in a playful, curious, and feminine way. These discussions allow the group to dive deeper into some of the mind-bending topics and to discover, together, how to integrate this supreme wisdom into everyday life.
who are your course leaders?
what are the details?
What’s Included?
Three-day, in-person immersion into Vedic wisdom
pre-recorded lectures by Thom Knoles
live discussion and Q&A with senior teacher Rachel Gross
take home notes and handouts
new techniques designed to integrate and stabilise higher states of consciousness
Ayurvedic lunch and/or dinner, depending on course schedule
Snacks, sweets, and teas throughout
Tranquil bush setting, including nature walks each day
shared experience with like-minded meditators from all around the world
completion of in-person Vedic Meditation course (or equivelant)
instruction in rounding
enjoy each course individually with no obligation to complete all six
the courses must be completed in order (i.e. ETV1, then ETV2, then ETV3, etc.)
when is the course?
exploring the veda 1
TBD // 4:00pm - 9:00pm, including dinner
TBD // 9:30am - 6:30pm, including lunch
TBD // 9:30am - 5:00pm, including lunch
October 2026 TBD
Bamarang Bush Retreat
Bamarang, NSW
exploring the veda 2
TBD // 4:00pm - 9:00pm, including dinner
TTBD // 10:00am - 5:00pm, including lunch
TBD // 10:00am - 6:30pm, including lunch
October 2026 TBD
Bamarang Bush Retreat
Bamarang, NSW
exploring the veda 3
TBD // 3:00pm - 9:00pm, including dinner
TBD // 9:00am - 6:30pm, including lunch
TBD // 10:00am - 5:30pm, including lunch
October 2026 TBD
Bamarang Bush Retreat
Bamarang, NSW
exploring the veda 4
TBD // 4:00pm - 9:00pm, including dinner
TBD // 9:00am - 7:00pm, including lunch
TBD // 9:30am - 5:00pm, including lunch
October 2026 TBD
Bamarang Bush Retreat
Bamarang, NSW
exploring the veda 5
October 2026 TBD
Bamarang Bush Retreat
Bamarang, NSW
TBD // 3:00pm - 9:00pm, including dinner
TBD // 10:00am - 6:30pm, including lunch
TBD // 9:00am - 5:00pm, including lunch
exploring the veda 6
October 2026 TBD
Bamarang Bush Retreat
Bamarang, NSW
TBD // 1:00pm - 7:00pm, including dinner
TBD // 9:00am - 7:00pm, including lunch
TBD // 9:00am - 5:00pm, including lunch
The complete Exploring the Veda experience consists of roughly 130 hours broken down into six installments. Each of the installments can be enjoyed individually, with no obligation to complete all six. However, the course must be completed in sequential order, as each installment leads naturally into the next.
also available in nowra (before october)
Check out the full schedule at Be Here Nowra