wisdom talks
here in nowra

enlightenment: what it is and how vedic meditation reveals it
Join Limor Babai to explore the ins and outs of enlightenment. There is an ocean of pure vibrant consciousness inside each one of us. It is at the base of mind, and it is the source of your thoughts. It is quiet, still, and serene yet awake and dynamic. It is your baseline, your deep inner Self.

vedic pop culture
Join Jamey Hood (USA) to discuss Vedic Pop Culture and how the principles of the Veda show up in the stories we love. She'll be exploring the concept of "The Chosen One" and how the OG "Chosen One" can be found in one of the great Indian epics, The Ramayana.

the paradox of dharma
Join Corinna Galliano, PhD, from the University of Sydney, as she delves into the modern application of the ancient Vedic teachings of the Bhagavad Gita. Learn how to navigate the ancient Vedic concept of Dharma, which helps us find harmony amidst chaos and teaches us how to live in harmony with the laws of nature.
introduction to vedic meditation - be here nowra story
Join Barron Hanson as we discuss the fundamentals of Vedic Meditation and how you can learn this simple, effortless practice.

navigating near death with meditation
Join us as Mathieu Carlot speaks to his experience of being diagnosed with aggressive cancer as both a meditator and meditation teacher and practically implementing meditation to help navigate life's uncertainties.

stories from teaching meditation Inside prison with joh jarvis
Join Joh Jarvis (USA), founder of The Light Inside, as she shares powerful stories and insights from her journey teaching meditation in prisons, highlighting the transformative impact of finding inner peace even in the most challenging environments.

the myth of making it happen
Join us as Melanie and Neil Kirkbride of The Soft Road discuss the mistaken belief that we “make things happen” and how this costs us dearly. All that strain and frustration is exhausting, when all the while there’s another way. It’s time to debunk this myth and embrace an easier, frictionless, experience of life.

wellness culture: how top companies create a culture of wellness
Join Amanda Castillo (USA) as we talk about what do the biggest companies in the world do differently when it comes to wellness? After working for these companies, their distinct focus on their employees has been one of the determining factors in setting them apart from their competitors.

a meditator’s view on learning sanskrit
Join Camilla Baker (UK) for an engaging session on the journey of learning Sanskrit, the sacred language that connects us to the profound wisdom of the ancients, and its beautiful script, Devanagari.

love & devotion: the power and beauty of living with an open heart
Join Rachel Gross for a deep dive into the realms of the heart, exploring what it feels like to live in an open-hearted way and to tap into the incredible power and wisdom that comes from fearlessly surrendering into our deepest and truest nature, which is to love and be loved.

empathy in practice: supporting autism through meditation
Join Dan for an exploration into the intersection of Vedic Meditation and Autism. Dan will delve into the profound impact of Vedic meditation and how practitioners can serve as a source of support and empowerment for individuals on the Autism Spectrum.
ayurveda: the sacred science of healing and higher consciousness
Join Dylan Smith as we discuss Ayurveda: a system of holistic medicine that teaches us how to live in harmony with nature and our own specific human nature. This is where perfect health lies.

the science of meditation
Join Betsy Turner, PhD (USA) to discuss what research can tell us about how meditation works, and its effects on mind and body.

wellness and blockchain – an evolutionary wave?
Join Nicho Plowman and Benjamin Jarrett, the founders of 108 to explore how the evolution of technology impacts one’s own evolution. Does it help or hinder?