a festival of vedic wisdom. returning october twenty twenty-six.

here in nowra

here in nowra

dear knowledge seeker…

You know what we know.

There is
more to life than meets the eye.

Something deeper, 
Inside you, and inside us.

To be human is to feel.
when we do that together,
It becomes










community knowledge evolution friends research love consciousness support *you*

we invite you to be here in nowra with us as we celebrate vedic philosophy, practices, and teachings.

we promise it won’t be boring.

in partnership with the university of wollongong to capture data about the effect of the collective consciousness in the community.

in partnership with the university of wollongong to capture data about the effect of the collective consciousness in the community.

nowra, nsw

yuin nation

Situated two hours south of Sydney, Nowra is a regional town with a big story. Something incredible is unfolding HERE. Nature loves a big story.

34.881° S
150.6001° E

Get Involved

Do you love fun? And knowledge? And other people? You sound like an ideal candidate.